Based on our experience and know-hows in establishing various logistics systems,
we provide optimized logistics facilities for customers through analysis, design,
manufacturing, installation, and test-runs of logistics automation.
Based on our extensive experience and know-hows in establishing integrated logistics systems for various customers, we provide the best consulting and engineering services for logistics automation. We also offer the convergence synergy of software and hardware with a complete line-up of optimized logistics facilities to supply for designing, installation, and operation.
Through the use of various automation facilities from manufacturing to storage, a large number of storage materials are safely and efficiently stored in a limited space to perform inventory, ensuring inventory and quality control through real-time inventory management and connection to higher-level systems.
In conjunction with the logistics information system, storage, distribution, processing, forwarding and delivery functions form the key facilities of the logistics hub for improving the level and competitiveness of logistics services. This is a logistics automation system that provides fast and accurate pick-up and delivery services of various kinds and small quantities of goods to customers through ordering and purchasing services on online/offiline omni-channel.
It provides a solution that accurately fulfills all conditions for performance, integrated processing, safe processing, and expandability. For mail/parcel logistics automation, which requires complexity and high throughput due to lack of standardization of cargo, we provide a solution with a number of technologies and corporate process parameters that meets performance, process integration, process stability, and scalability requirements.
From warehousing materials to manufacturing and storage, the automated facilities are introduced to support quick and accurate logistics connection between processing.